” Honey I am Home”…. a popular phrase that was coined by a tv show in the 1990’s that has come back to me this week during my alone time with the Lord. As he reminds me many times throughout the day Nana, Honey I am Home’. When I get too caught up with distractions or busyness of this life that can so easily take my heart and mind off my sweet bridegroom. Who is waiting on me to break away from the world just so I can come into the chambers of my heart to be with him, where he dwells. Indeed our bodies, our hearts are his home where he desires to dine with us, be with us in a very real way.
Revelation 3:20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.
Many people are desiring intimacy with Jesus but, it will cost you. It will cost you giving up the many “so called good” things of this world that re impure and filthy in the Lords eyes. He is looking for a pure heart to dwell in. A heart that has made room for him to live and glean consolations from. The many “good” things seem harmless to us but to the Lord its sinful, offensive, toxic and unholy. We have to recognize that Jesus lives within us what we eat, watch, listen too, what we do is also done to him because his spirit dwells in our temples which is our bodies. So every time you sit down to watch that movie Jesus is watching it, when you listen to that worldly song Jesus is hearing it, when you eat food that is so unhealthy to your body Jesus is eating it, when you talk about others, gossip, slander, cast judgement Jesus hears it all. We serve a God who is holy and desires that we are holy as well so he may dwell in us at a greater capacity.
Matthew 25: 1:5 At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish and five were wise. 3 The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. 4 The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. 5 The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.
If you have heard the story of the 10 Virgins that is a perfect example of 5 brides who carried the oil of intimacy and 5 who once where intimate but, fell asleep. We can liken that to the times we are living in where many were once on fire for the Lord and have now fallen to sleep in lukewarmness. Jesus is looking for a temple, a body, a heart, a bride whose home is committed to purity. That just like a real husband who is headed home from a long days work would want his home to be his safe haven. A wife who has kept up the house, has dinner ready and waiting upon her husband to pamper him and love on him. What man wouldn’t want to come home everyday to that! lol Jesus is the exact same way. He is so very real with a deep deep desire and longing for his brides. His eyes search the whole world and after enduring a long day of eternal work, a long day of being rejected, blasphemed, spoken again, ignored and taking advantage of by so many other souls in the world. He rushes back to his bride who is burning with an oil of intimacy, He rushes to the chamber of the hearts of those who are commitment to purity, from sin of this world, who always keep their thoughts and mind on him by making a throne room in their hearts for him to sit after a longs day work. A bride who is ready to sit at his feet in prayer at any moment when he calls for her. He longs to hear and smell the sweet fragrance of her worship and praise because no man wants a nagging complaining wife not even Jesus! Now to that bride when he calls he simply says “Honey I am Home”!
Will you allow your heart to truly be the resting place for Jesus? Commit yourself to purity so our bridegroom can have another place he can call his Heaven on Earth!
-From Jesus With Love
Still Small Voice Youtube Channel/ Heartdwellers Ministery Message Jesus Answers His Bride How To Hear & See Me “I know. Oh, how I love each and every one that is seeking Me. That is why I am here to explain the direction they need to take. You know the things that offend Me. Sin offends Me very much. Sin in clothing, or lack of it, sin in violence, crime, hatred, gossip, backbiting, jealousy, adulteries. Soap operas are the epitome of sin and extremely noxious to Me. Like your-nose-in-fresh-dog-excrement noxious. I mean very, very bad. These things not only offend Me but also the Heavenly court, the angels and the saints. Yet in your world they are matter-of-fact, part of everyday life.“How can I embrace a Bride, when her mind is full of filth such as this? These things have half- lives, they linger and linger and linger. Over and over again I must see these things as they are recalled to your memory.“Do you understand, “Blessed are the pure for they shall see God.”? Do you now understand why so many cannot find Me in their prayers? Yes, seek Me until you find Me, but first, clean your house. Come to Me clean, create a throne room in your heart that is undefiled with the filth of this world. And I must say it is not only filth, but worldliness that is offensive to Me.“Carnal preoccupations with cooking, sewing, decorating, buying, selling, having this and having that. Shopping. Wanting this and wanting that. Oh, those idols are detestable to Me and when I find that kind of clutter in a heart, I want to run the other way. And when I see that a soul prefers that to My company, well… My heart collapses in sadness. Oh, how could you prefer these worthless idols to Me, how could you?”